Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Tiny Poem

Pickled Cabbage
Set Aside
For Burn-Victims

They Swallow
With Difficulty

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

We Are Not Ready For Jet-packs

The amount of people who dream about flight
Is staggering, yet who can deny importance of the
Scientists out there doing their utmost to secure a future
For those of us who wish to be birds.

We must consider the safety of those who find
themselves at a great height aided by a fuel-powered friend.
In such a setting there is nothing to stop a person
From entering a dream state where thrust is self-sufficient,
and the mounted apparatus behind them
is simply an elaborate backpack weighing them down.

There is nothing to stop people from liberating themselves
from this excess material and to mistake the helpless plummet
for an Eagle-like ability to swoop upon prey. The impact,
The mess, the undesirable compound of machinery and
Human-mush. It. is. all. too. much.

We are not ready for jet-packs.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

A Few Words

He lost his dick in the meadow
He was sad, but it was with nature now.
However, Some say he was lying
Because whenever someone asked him
How it was possible to lose a dick
His eyes would drop and nobody would see him
For weeks.